Entering Primary School

Entering primary school is one of the major milestones in a child’s life. Due to the fierce competition for schools, this stage can be overwhelming and stressful to both parents and children. How, in fact, can we make sure our children stand out from the crowd in an interview?

Students must be able to communicate in fluent Cantonese as most primary school interviews are conducted in Cantonese, including many traditional elite schools. Therefore, unless English-speaking parents are determined to choose international schools for their children from the start, they should not overlook this aspect. However, paying attention to the interview language is only the first step, what follows are indeed the most important: the all-rounded development of children.

Traditional elite schools with excellent academic reputation are known to be very competitive. To keep up with the long history of brilliance, these elite schools recruit only the finest students, who excel in creativity, organization, cooperation and concentration etc. Some schools require two or three interviews, and each round of interview is of paramount significance.

In fact, primary schools require students not to be well-rounded, but have a good command of dialogues, extended responses and manners. With extensive and comprehensive trainings, students will be able to leave a lasting impression on the interviewer. Parents shall act as role models and their biggest supporters, while instructors provide reminders and assistance.

Preparation work for children starting primary school should start long before their admission years, the earlier the better. Since a young age, parents should get to know their children’s personalities, abilities and interests, thus choosing a suitable school that fits their needs. Setting a goal early on and putting in efforts would help increase a child’s chances of entering the target school.

Bestie Speak Limited
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